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Parkside Women’s Ministry ...

Parkside’s ministry to women exists to bring women together regularly for mutual encouragement and growth in our relationship with Christ.  We believe by doing this we enrich the whole body at Parkside, bringing glory to our Lord and Saviour.

Several branches of the ministry operate to facilitate this purpose and strengthen the body:

Prayer Sisters Ministry:  Those who choose to commit to this are paired with another lady whom they pray for and support all year long.  An annual banquet is held to celebrate the year and to join with another lady for the year ahead.

Student Box Ministry:  Once a year care packages are put together to send to our college - age students.

Caring Ministry:  A ministry that reaches out through cards, gifts, and encouragement to those who are ill, celebrating, grieving, or on numerous other occasions as well.

Prayer Ministry:  A ministry to the church as a whole as prayer requests are passed on via e-mail or telephone to those who have accepted the responsibility of praying.

Serving Ministry:  Our serving teams prepare decorations, food , and activities for church functions, showers, and banquets.