Welcome to Parkside Youth!
Youth is a Friday night event once a month where students in grades 7 to 12 come together for organized activities. The activities vary each week and include indoor and outdoor events such as; skating, large group games, hikes, sleigh rides, board games, bowling, and so much more.
Much effort is put into making the activities varied and accommodating to a variety of interests.
Each meeting usually involves food of some sort. A very important part of each meeting is the devotional time where, through discussions, speakers, DVDs and more, the youth are brought to the cross and encouraged to grow in the Lord and to nurture a relationship with Him.
Activites are generally held Friday night with a Bible study on Wednesday night in the Activity Centre. The Bible study is at the same time as our AWANA program. The youth are encouraged to study the word of God, as well as challenged to grow through the week both in their witness and their own study time.
Friday Night Live is a Dauphin area youth event that happens every two months. Youth from 4 or more churches get together to have fun, worship God, build relationships, and of course eat. Check out the FNL web site at the link below for the next Friday Night Live event. http://fridaynightlive.publishpath.com/
Our Youth Sponsor is Andrew Sevigny.